She fake cries and eats the fish with chopsticks, which brings us to the main event courtesy of Mike: chopstick handjobs. There's also this little vegan girl on TikTok who cries about having to eat fish, because her doctor told her she'd probably die of tuberculosis if she didn't eat some dang meat for crying out loud. I shit out of my asshole just like you pal. Sure, it's about weddings where tragedy befalls one or many of the guests/party, usually fatal in nature, but hey.nobody's perfect. Shit.Īfter discussing JY's impending passionless court room wedding and his diabolical gaslighting proposal techniques, we steer the podcast in a more romantic direction by having a lengthy discussion about weddings. JY joins us to recommend shit medicine to make me shit more and better, so that the next time I shit I'll shit more better. We start off the show with an in depth discussion of shitting and our asses, quickly discovering that Mike and I are shit-size-queens after I lament the tragic, small shit I'd taken only an hour previous.
This week on Pop Uncultured, the first part of a 3 hour recording.